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Surge Protection for Summer Storms

As we steadily scoot into a late spring you’ll notice storms and heavy rains are on the rise. And if the history of Allentown area climate is any indicator, it’s only going to get heavier. Most homes are equipped to deal with this, of course. Your siding is probably sturdy, roof is in good shape—you might even have custom drainage systems in place.

But how’s your electrical system? Is it as ready as the rest of your home? Follow along with the experts at Jack Lehr Heating, Cooling & Electric while we give you the knowledge you need to stay electrical-safe in a storm.

Why Do I Need Electrical Protection?

The risks during a storm primarily come from, as you probably expect, lightning strikes. But it doesn’t take a full-fledged direct hit to potentially fry electronics in your home. Electrical storms and lightning can create a considerable amount of charge in the air. This can result in either full strikes, or it can discharge in smaller batches. But even these small micro-strikes can cause a power surge in your home, leading to damage to your electronics, and potentially even sparking a fire.

Electrical safety and protection systems serve multiple purposes that all work together to keep you and your home and possessions secure. Surge protectors lie mostly dormant, quietly monitoring your circuits until a problem crops up. But don’t worry—installing a whole house surge protector can help protect your equipment.

What Are My Surge Protection Options?

There are very simplistic options available from nearly any hardware store. You’ve probably seen, and likely have even used, a surge protector or two. These are the strips lined with outlets and an engage/disengage switch, and these are fairly handy for dealing with small complications that can arise in your day to day. But they’re not enough on their own.

Single circuit protectors are limited, and they don’t tend to survive multiple surges. This gives them a short service life if you want them to stay effective. The better solution is to go for a whole-home surge protection system installed by a certified electrician. These systems are connected directly to your main electrical supply and reach throughout the entire home, offering full coverage for all of your electrical systems.

Surge Protection Is Viable for More Than Just Summer

Balking at the idea of installing a whole-home system just for dealing with the odd summer storm? If so you might be interested to learn that the vast majority of surges don’t come as a result of a storm. They happen just from day to day appliance use. Every time you turn on a blow dryer, a space heater, or even the microwave, you open up your home to the possibility of a power surge. This is because of the massive draw these appliances create, which can sort of spill over into other circuits, which is why you should always use dedicated circuits for these devices in conjunction with having a surge protection system.

Whole-Home Surge Protection Installation in Allentown, PA

Interested in finding out more about surge protection, or need certified electricians to size a system for your home? Contact the certified electricians at Jack Lehr today!

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