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Are UV Air Purifiers Safe?

In the past decade, we’ve seen a ton of new technology regarding indoor air quality. We all want clean, healthy, and breathable air—that’s a fact. And in the pursuit of it, we want to know if a product works, and how it works.

But aren’t we forgetting an important question? How it works and if it does is very important, of course, it is in fact critical. But are these products safe? That’s just as important! Today the experts at Jack Lehr Heating, Cooling & Electric are here to talk about the safety of one of our favorite IAQ products: UV light purifiers.

Are UV Light Purifiers Safe?

The question is kind of a loaded one, if not really all that complex. But due to a variety of reasons, the answer isn’t as cut and dry as yes or no. The real answer is that some are in fact quite safe and some are not.


Essentially this is because the technology is relatively new still, and there are already many iterations of the UV light technology. Some have proven to be completely safe, as well as effective, while a few others haven’t been quite so successful. This is because UV light systems naturally generate a product called ozone, and ozone can be a bit of a problem.

What Is Ozone?

Put simply, ozone is essentially oxygen with an extra molecule. It’s present all over the place, but in high enough concentrations it can be detrimental to human health, causing various negative reactions and health complications.

Choosing a Safe UV Light Air Purifier

The challenge of UV light, as well as many other IAQ products, is that production of ozone, which actually can’t be completely prevented—it’s simply a byproduct of the process. However, manufacturers aren’t typically in the business of harming consumers. It’d make some pretty bad business! So, modern UV light purifiers have incorporated systems that safely handle or dissipate ozone, effectively removing it from the equation. These are typically marketed as “ozone-free” UV light purifiers.

Armed with all of this knowledge, we can ask again: Are UV light purifiers safe? And we can easily answer it with: yes! As long as it accounts for and deals with ozone generation, which is a feature you should certainly look into when shopping for superior IAQ products. At Jack Lehr, for instance, all of our IAQ products are ozone-free systems. We’re about solving problems, not about creating new ones!

UV Light Purification Systems in Allentown, PA

Looking for safe, effective, and top-quality indoor air quality products and services? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Our experts are dedicated to bringing you the best in the business, and our team can help you choose the purifier or filtration system that suits your needs best. Contact us online today to learn more, or to set a date for your air quality consultation!

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